Stop damaging your hair with endless highlights. Give your hair a much needed break and go one all over color. Its not as much of a shock as you would think. Because your bleached out hair probably won't except much color due to being too porous, the over all color will look warm with rich under tones and reflective highlights to add dimension. One all over color for the next six months of hair treatment will give your hair the break it needs to become healthy again in time for summer highlights.
There comes a point during most facial treatments where you’re lulled into such a blissful state of relaxation that you naturally doze off for a few minutes—but you’re still reaping all the glorious anti aging benefits. Just like the rest of your body, facial muscles require exercise to keep you looking younger (sorry to add to your workout routine!).
Maximize the anti aging benefits of your facial treatments by incorporating regular massage into your daily skin care routine (and yes, it’s as good as it sounds). Relieves tension When the muscles on your face tense up, they are more likely to harbour wrinkles, which is why they need to be massaged out regularly. However the length of time for a facial massage required depends on your skin type. For oily and acne-prone skin, it’s best to keep it to under 10 minutes. If skin has a normal to dry complexion, no longer than 20 minutes is necessary (too much stimulation can lead to breakouts). And employ different techniques: try soft tapping and pinching motions—don’t pull at the skin—starting from the inside of the face and working your way out. Always massage in an upward circular motion. Increases circulation Just like how you would massage a tender shoulder or back, your face muscles require the same TLC. Increase blood and oxygen flow to the face by massaging the soft lines around the mouth, eyes and brows. Start upward, massage the neck and décolletage area, gently working toward the forehead and tending to the pressure points along the way. Be sure to concentrate on the delicate skin around the eye area with gentle circular motions. And after stepping out of a hot shower, splash cold water against the skin—the contrast also helps to stimulate blood circulation. It’s a natural facelift Stimulating the face muscles with regular massage helps to bring oxygen to that area—which is a natural form of anti aging skin care in itself. More blood flow to the area increases collagen production, which gives a healthy and natural glow to the complexion. Allows face products to absorb better into the skin Increase the effectiveness of your facial treatments by incorporating a massage into your at-home skin care routine. At night, cleanse skin, and apply your serum and moisturizer with gentle tapping motions. “It helps the product absorb more easily into the skin.” You’ll look younger! Depending on the condition of your skin, your age, skin care goals and budget, regular facial treatments—that incorporate some form of muscle stimulation through massage—work in combination with daily skin care to improve the overall appearance of your skin: anywhere from once a month (for normal to dry skin) to every two weeks (for combination or acne-prone skin) is recommended. The Spa’s Anti-Aging Peel facial treatment uses a combination of exfoliation with palm and crystal massage to stimulate blood flow and leave a youthful, glowing complexion. And isn’t that the point of anti-aging skin care anyway? ![]() 1) HEALTHY, GLOWING SKIN Have you ever wondered how to get bright, glowing skin? Well, an effective exfoliator is the answer. Here’s why… When applying makeup over dead skin, the surface is un-even. As a result, your skin can appear to be flaky and patchy and even feel rough in texture. By gently exfoliating dry skin cells, the skin will appear to feel smoother and look refreshed as the cells are newer. This will also improve the tone of your skin. 2) MINIMISES PORES Pores are openings in the skin in which hair follicles grow. Similar to small holes, when there is a build-up of dirt and dead skin, the pore will expand to accommodate for the increase. As a result, this makes your pores larger and more visible to the eye. Exfoliating removes the dirt in the pores and consequently minimises them. 3) REDUCES BREAKOUTS AND ACNE Exfoliating is an essential way to manage breakouts and acne. Many of us recognise the importance of cleansing our skin but under-estimate the power of exfoliating. A deep exfoliation will help to un-clog your pores from excess oil which can lead to breakouts. Therefore, if the excess oil and dirt is removed from the root of the cause, the amount of breakouts will most likely reduce. It is important to consider that breakouts and acne are not only caused by external factors such as makeup and dirt. There are a number of internal factors which can cause such problems. For example, hormonal imbalances are often directly linked to the health of your skin. Stress and a bad diet are other factors which can lead to an increase in spots. For those who suffer with acne, you should visit a Dermatologist or get advice on how to handle your acne and self-confidence here. 4) HIDES WRINKLES Unfortunately, when you place makeup over dead skin cells, the makeup will not just miraculously blend into the skin’s surface. It will sit on top. We call this the ‘layering effect’. As a result, all fine lines will be magnified. By removing the dead cells, wrinkles are less-exaggerated. Ultimately, exfoliating fights aging… or at least it hides it! 5) ALLOWS ABSORPTION OF OTHER PRODUCTS The reason that exfoliating is so crucial to your skin’s wellbeing is because without it, all of the other steps in your skincare routine will not be as effective. If the pores are blocked, all of the other skincare products that you use won’t be able to successfully penetrate the deeper layers of your skin. By removing dirt, a rich moisturiser can provide the depths of your skin with the best nourishment. 6) IMPROVE YOUR TAN One of the best beauty tips before going on holiday is to exfoliate your entire body. This is because if you remove the dead skin cells, the sun will tan your new cells. Ultimately, this means that your tan will last longer. If you don’t exfoliate, the dead skin will tan first and naturally shed quicker. It is vital that you use a sun-lotion that has an SPF in as sun-damage is extremely dangerous for your health. Getting a spray tan or applying fake tan without exfoliating first is sacrilege in the world of beauty. Make sure to exfoliate certain areas more vigorously such as hands, knees, ankles and feet. When applying fake tan over the top of un-exfoliated skin,the ingredients in the tan cling to dry skin. Therefore, this makes areas prone to dry skin appear darker than the rest of the skin, giving an un-even tan. So there you have it. Who knew a gentle scrub could do such wonders to your skin! Activated charcoal relieves bloating and gas discomfortIn case you are taking activated charcoal to eliminate your stomach pain, you have various options at your disposal. You can take it in the form of a pill, in liquid form or powder. When you take it as a powder, you will have to mix it in non-acidic juice. All in all, your best bet will be to take it in capsules or tablet form.
You should drink lots of water when you take activated charcoal supplements because you have to avoid constipation as activated charcoal can provoke it. You should take it between meals when your stomach is empty so that it doesn’t deplete vitamins and nutrients that you would like to keep inside your body. You can use activated charcoal to make a clarifying face maskYou just have to add a teaspoon of powdered activated charcoal to warm water until you form a paste. Then you have to add a teaspoon of honey or aloe gel and finally apply a thin layer of this mixture on your face. You should rinse it after five or ten minutes. Add activated charcoal as a detoxifying element in your shampooYou have to add a teaspoon or a capsule of activated charcoal to your regular amount of shampoo. Then wash and rinse your hair as always. Use activated charcoal for deep cleaning body scrubYou can then add the activated charcoal powder to your usual body scrub. Just add 2 or 3 capsules and use your body scrub just like you usually do it. Use activated charcoal for general detoxifying of the bodyAccording to medical professionals, trying out juices that contain active charcoal will lead to detoxifying your system, and it will revitalize your body. It will also help with bloating, so it’s no wonder that it will detox the body. Some experts are still skeptical about the effectiveness of charcoal taken in juice, but most of them say that it is fine if you give it a try and see how you feel. But you should do this only if your health is in good shape or if your doctor allows you to. Activated charcoal removes stains from your teethWe have finally reached our main subject of interest. Indeed, purchasing some activated charcoal powder may be the cheapest way to whiten your teeth. The latest body part that has been getting the black magic treatment is the smile. You can use the activated charcoal to remove the plaque and also to whiten your teeth during the process. You don’t necessarily need special toothpaste to whiten your teeth with charcoal, yet it is best if you use one that has activated charcoal in its composition for a better result. You can also use regular toothpaste where you add 1 or 2 emptied capsules and let the charcoal do its job. How Does Coconut Oil Benefit Hair Growth?Since coconut oil helps to keep your body healthy and your hair soft, it goes hand-in-hand with hair growth. Here’s how:
1) Prevents Breakage The fatty acids found in coconut oil work with the natural proteins found in hair to protect it from breaking (and therefore allowing it to grow). In fact, the lauric acid found in our coconut oil is fantastic at caring for hair. 2) Moisturises Shiny hair is happy, healthy hair and regular use of coconut oil couldmake your hair softer and more lustrous than ever before. You see, coconut oil is incredible at penetrating hair follicles and therefore moisturising and conditioning from the outside, in. In fact, the oil is so moisturising that it even protects follicles from heat and environmental damage. 3) Boosts Blood Circulation If you massage your head with coconut oil, you’ll boost scalp circulation, meaning that more oxygen and nutrients will be sent right to your hair follicles, helping to stimulate growth. 4) Rich in Nutrients Coconut oil is loaded with natural antioxidants and nutrients such as Vitamin E, Vitamin K and Iron. Each of these plays a key role in keeping your hair soft and supple, and Iron can even eradicate dandruff from the scalp. 5) Antibacterial Bacteria can be a problem in both hair and on the scalp. However, coconut oil contains both antifungal and antibacterial properties, which protect against dandruff and lice, both of which can affect hair growth. Winter weather is not fun for skin. Cold weather and low humidity levels result in dry air, which then steals moisture away from the skin every second of every day. Without immediate care, dry skin can lead to cracking and bleeding, and harsh winter wind makes the problem worse. Indoor heat further robs the air of moisture, as do hot showers or baths and harsh cleansers.
Additional moisture helps, but you need to do more to actually counteract these effects and keep skin looking youthful and smooth. To reduce chapping, redness, itching, and keep skin more healthy and comfortable this season, try these tips. 1. WASH IN LUKEWARM WATERHot showers and baths always feel good in the winter, but when you can, particularly when just washing your face or hands, choose lukewarm water to avoid stripping as many oils away from the skin. 2. MOISTURIZE IMMEDIATELY AFTERWARDSYour skin not only needs more moisture, but moisture right after you wash. Applying moisture to damp skin helps seal that dampness into the skin. Keep a bottle near the bathtub, shower stall, and at every sink and use liberally every time you wash. 3. CHOOSE MOISTURIZER CAREFULLYSome over-the-counter moisturizers have petroleum-based ingredients that can actually further dry your skin in the winter months. Be sure to choose a smart formula that has natural, nourishing ingredients. Go for an oil-based rather than a water-based solution, as it’s more likely to help your skin retain moisture in the winter. Try Indie Lee’s natural moisturizing oils, as they’re made with natural, hydrating ingredients like lavender, chamomile, jojoba, and more, which help soothe dry, itchy skin. 4. PROTECTGet used to wearing gloves and scarves to protect skin from cold winds, rain, and snow. Also, don’t forget the sunscreen. Winter sun can be just as damaging as summer sun, so apply a safe option like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide to any exposed areas. 5. HUMIDIFYHeating systems dry out the air, so consider installing a humidifier in your home, particularly in your bedroom, to put moisture back into the air and help prevent your skin from drying out. 6. DRINKWe tend to drink less water in the winter because we turn to hot drinks like cocoa and tea, but don’t forget that your skin needs hydration from the inside, out. A little warm water with lemon can be very refreshing and hydrating at the same time. 7. OVERNIGHT MOISTURIZEDryer areas like hands, feet, elbows, and knees have thin skin and tend to lose moisture faster than other areas on the body. Consider slathering on a deep moisturizing balm Skin Food by Weleda at night, then wear cotton gloves and socks to seal in the moisture until morning. 8. EXFOLIATEWe often forget to help the skin slough off dead cells in the winter, particularly on our hands. Yet moisture can’t get in if the dead cells are too plentiful. Find an exfoliating mask and use it on your face and your hands, as well as gently on your lips, then follow immediately with moisture to truly see a smoother difference. Exfoliating body washes are also helpful in the winter months. 9. AVOID TOXINS, SPECIFICALLY ALLERGENS AND IRRITANTSParticularly if you have eczema, dermatitis, or psoriasis, you have to avoid allergens and irritants that may trigger a flare up. Winter skin is more fragile, so avoid irritating fabrics (like wool) and chemical-laden detergents, and use mild cleansers and moisturizers designed for sensitive skin. In addition, glutathione is considered the “master anti-oxidant” and helps your body detox. 10. HYDRATE FROM THE INSIDE OUTEating foods high in water content can help hydrate your skin from the inside out. Try watermelon, cantaloupe, apples, oranges, kiwi, and watery veggies like celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, and carrots. Make sure you’re getting enough vitamin C and zinc to support the healthy production of collagen and elastin. Also consider Be Well’s omega-3 supplement, or consume more fatty fish and flaxseed to give your skin the building blocks it needs to appear supple and smooth. 11. CHANGE YOUR CLEANSERCleansers can be extremely drying to the skin. If you’re used to using options that contain glycolic or salicylic acid, rotate with a more hydrating version that contains moisturizing ingredients. Try like Suki Naturals Moisture-Rich Cleansing Lotion, or for really dry skin, try a cleansing balm like Ren No. 1 Purity Cleansing Balm. After cleansing, don’t leave the skin naked for more than 30 seconds, as this can dehydrate it, leading to increased dryness. Apply a hydrating toner and moisturizer to seal in moisture. 12. USE DIY MASKSHomemade hydrating masks can provide needed moisture in the winter months. Use natural moisturizing ingredients like honey, avocado, yogurt, olive and jojoba oils, almond oil, bananas, and aloe. Mix what you like together to create a cream or paste, and leave on skin for 10-30 minutes for lasting hydration. |
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December 2018